英語 अंग्रेजी Inglés الإنجليزية Anglais inggris английский ইংরেজি انگریزی ఇంగ్లీష్ 영어 ஆங்கிலம் इंग्रजी Anh ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷ್
Free English Lessons, 1000 words, No Cost Learn from native speakers, for free, by studying lessons 1-9.
Direct URL: aaa.Lang1234.com
Also on Internet Archive and YouTube videos
Learn numbers for time, money,
telephones and conversation. Numbers are the easiest lesson. Beginners use recordings with pauses where you repeat
the words, Intermediate learners can try recordings without pauses, where
you speak along with the recording.
1. NUMBERS, with beeps to teach meaning
Easy Short Lesson (1-10)
Longer Lessons (1-2016):
Female voice+pauses
♬♫ Song (MP3)
Numbers (millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions):
Male+pauses, or without pauses
2. CONNECTING WORDS - Is, And, Are, Between, Middle, Quarter, Half
Male+pauses, or without pauses
3.1 Month, Before+After, Ordinal Male+pauses
3.2 Day, Week, Was, Will Be Male+pauses
3.3 Hours of the Day Male+pauses, or without pauses
3.4 Minutes of the Hour Male+pauses, or without pauses
3.5 Time Units Male+pauses, or without pauses
Asia without pauses
Americas without pauses
Europe without pauses
East without pauses
Africa without pauses
Male+pauses, Male without pauses
♬♫ United States pronunciation
(Zee) Song (MP3)
♬♫ United States pronunciation
(Zee) Song (video)
♬♫ Other English-speakers
(Zed) Song (video)
Emails Male+pauses, without pauses
Male+pauses, without pauses
Numbers Male+pauses, without pauses
COMPARISONS - Minus, Zero, Or, Not, About, Smaller, Bigger, Percent, Most,
Majority, Divided, Multiplied
8. GEOGRAPHY AND COLORS - Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Mountains, Deserts, Religions, Colors
System Male+pauses, or without pauses
Male+pauses, or without pauses
Lessons by Lang1234.com are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.
Download MP3 files, free:
Phone: Hold finger on a link. . .
Windows: Right-click a link. . .
Mac: Ctrl-click a link. . .
Then Left-click or tap on 'Save Link/Target As' or 'Download...'
You have 2 types of lessons: Use MP3
files with pauses for you to repeat the words, or
without pauses. Try both. A teacher who knows many languages prefers recordings without pauses.
He says to speak along with the native speaker, at about the same volume, so you
can compare your voice to the native speaker. People learn songs this way, so try
it for languages.
On a computer you can also download
complete groups of lessons:
Learn English with Numbers 1-1001 and years to 2022 Numbers are short and easy to memorize without distracting
explanations. You will start building the sounds of the language into your mouth
muscles and brain. Long press on phone, or Right-click on computer, to Download: Easy Short
►Lesson (1-10) Longer Lessons (1-2016): Songs (easy, faster learning): (0-2022) ♬♫ ►Song (MP3) Large Numbers
(millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions): ►Male+pauses, or ►without pauses |
Text of the Recorded
/1***, /2***, /3***, /4***,
/5***, /6***, /7***, /8***, /9***, /10***, /11*, /12*, /13*,
/14*, /15*, /16*, /17*, /18*, /19*, /20*, /21*, /22*, 23*,
24*, 25*, 26*, 27*, 28*, 29*, /30*, 31*, 32*, 33*, 34*,
35*, 36*, 37*, 38*, 39*, /40*, 41*, 42*, 43*, 44*,
45*, 46*, 47*, 48*, 49*, /50*, 51*, 52*, 53*, 54*,
55*, 56*, 57*, 58*, 59*, /60*, 61*, 62*, 63*, 64*,
65*, 66*, 67*, 68*, 69*, /70*, 71*, 72*, 73*, 74*,
75*, 76*, 77*, 78*, 79*, /80*, 81*, 82*, 83*, 84*,
85*, 86*, 87*, 88*, 89*, /90*, 91*, 92*, 93*, 94*,
95*, 96*, 97*, 98*, 99*, /100*, /101*, /111*, /200*,
/300*, 400*, 500*, 600*, 700*, 800*, 900*, /901*, /1000*, /1001*, /2000*,
/2001*, /2012*, /2013*, /2014*, /2015*, /2016* Song: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 101, 990, 1000,
2000, 2016. |
Right-click to Download: Large Numbers
(millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions): ►Male+pauses, or ►without pauses |
/1*, /10*, /100*, /1,000*, 10,000*,
100,000*, 1 million*, 1,111,111*, 10 million*,
100 million*, 1 billion*, 2,222,222,222*, 10 billion*,
100 billion* 1 trillion*, 3,333,333,333,333*, 10
trillion*, 100 trillion* 1 quadrillion*, 10 quadrillion*, 100
quadrillion* Lang1234.com |
Click to hear the lesson, with pauses for you to repeat. Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later. Or speak along with the
lesson without pauses. |
Learn English: Is, And, Are, Between, Middle, Quarter, Half The lesson teaches simple verbs and
comparisons, after reminding learners how to count 1-4. Half and quarter are introduced since
they are very common in conversation and in telling time, which is taught next. The lesson could be written with "plus...
equals," instead of "and... are... is." However, "and... are...
is" are more useful words, so the lesson teaches these words. /1*, /2*, /3*, /4*, 1 and 3 are 4, and***, are***, 1 and 3 are 4* 1 and 2 are 3* 2 and 3 are 5* 3 and 4 are 7* 4 is 1 and 3, is***, 4 is 1 and 3* 3 is 1 and 2* 5 is 2 and 3* 6 is 3 and 3* 3 is between 2 and 4, between***, 3 is between 2 and 4* 3 is between 1 and 4* 3 is between 1 and 5* 3 is between 2 and 5* 2 is between 1 and 5* 3 is between 1 and 5* 4 is between 1 and 5* 3 is the middle of 2 and 4, the middle of***, 3 is the middle of 2 and 4* 10 is the middle of 5 and 15* 6 is the middle of 5 and 7* 3 is 1 half of 6, half of***, 3 is 1 half of 6* 2 is 1 half of 4* 6 is 1 half of 12* 2 is 1 quarter of 8, quarter of***, 2 is 1 quarter of 8* 3 is 1 quarter of 12* 7 is 1 quarter of 28* 6 is 3 quarters of 8* 9 is 3 quarters of 12* 15 is 3 quarters of 20* 5 is 1 quarter of 20* Lang1234.com |
Time and dates are important for beginners
who need to make appointments and reservations.
They also help teach the past and future
tenses of verbs, and common prepositions like before and after.
Students need to repeat the lesson until
they know it well.
Click to hear the lesson on months, with pauses for you to repeat.
Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download MP3 and practice later.
/2017 is 1 year*, year*** /12 months are 1 year, months*** 12 months are January*, February*,
March*, April*, May*, June*, July*, August*, September*, October*, November*,
December* January is before March before***, January is before March* February is before June* July is before August* July is after March, after*** November is after August* October is after September* January is the 1st month, 1st*** February is the 2nd month, 2nd*** March is the 3rd month, 3rd*** April is the 4th month, 4th*** May is the 5th month, 5th*** 6th* 7th* 8th* 9th* 10th* 11th* December is the 12th month, 12th* 13th* 20th* 21st* 22nd* 23rd* 24th* 30th* 31st* 34th* 100th* 101st* 104th* 1000th* 2014th* 55 millionth* Lang1234.com |
In the context of dates, students will
recognize that 7 introduces a list of days.
If they do not know English, they will
not know where the list starts, since some countries start with Saturday, Sunday,
or Monday.
Giving dates in 2017 and 2020 removes
ambiguity and teaches past and future .
Click to hear the lesson on days, with pauses for you to repeat.
Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later.
/7 days are 1 week, days*** /7 days are 1 week, weeks*** 7 days are Sunday*, Monday*, Tuesday*, Wednesday*, Thursday*, Friday*, Saturday* The first day of 2017 was Sunday* was*** January 2nd 2017 was Monday* January 1st 2020 will be Wednesday* will be*** January 31st, 2020 will be Friday* Lang1234.com |
►Male+pauses, or ►without pauses
English has different ways of saying
the hours of the day, and this lesson teaches them all.
First, the lesson teaches the 24-hour
clock used by the military, since it is easiest for learners who use a 24-hour clock
in their own language, and for many foreigners, speaking to the US military is the
most common use of English.
The 12-hour clock can be said
as 11 A.M., 11 in the morning, or 11 o'clock.
The lesson starts with a review of middle
(to define noon) and between (to define morning, afternoon, evening, night),
which were taught in the Comparisons lesson.
Teaching is brief and the lesson needs
to be repeated several times.
These recordings from Lang1234.com are
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Click to hear the lesson on hours, with pauses for you to repeat.
Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later.
3 is the middle of 2 and 4, the middle of*** 6 is the middle of 5 and 7* March is between January and April, between*** February is between January and April* 12 months are 1 year* 7 days are 1 week* 24 hours are 1 day, hours***, 24 hours are 1 day* /The middle of 1 day is 12 noon, noon***, The middle of 1 day is 12 noon* 12 noon is 12 hundred, 12 hundred***, 12 noon is 12 hundred* 12 noon is between 11 hundred and 13
hundred* 10 hundred is between Oh 9 hundred and 11 hundred, Oh 9 hundred*** Oh 6 hundred is between Oh 5 hundred and Oh 7 hundred* Daytime is between Oh 6 hundred and
18 hundred daytime*** Night time is between 18 hundred and
Oh 6 hundred night time*** Afternoon is between 12 hundred and
18 hundred afternoon*** Afternoon is between 12 noon and 18
hundred* Evening is between 18 hundred and 24
hundred, evening*** Evening is between 18 hundred and midnight* midnight*** 24 hundred is midnight* Morning is between 24 hundred and 12
hundred, morning*** Morning is between midnight and 12
noon* Oh 6 hundred is 6 in the morning, in the morning* 10 hundred is 10 in the morning* 11 hundred is 11 in the morning* 12 hundred is 12 noon* 13 hundred is 1 in the afternoon, in the afternoon*** 14 hundred is 2 in the afternoon* 18 hundred is 6 in the evening, in
the evening*** 23 hundred is 11 in the evening* 24 hundred is 12 midnight* Oh 1 hundred is 1 in the morning* 10 in the morning is 10 A.M., A.M.*** 11 in the morning is 11 A.M.* 12 noon is 12 noon* 1 in the afternoon is 1 P.M., P.M.*** 2 in the afternoon is 2 P.M.* 6 in the evening is 6 P.M.* 11 in the evening is 11 PM* 12 midnight is 12 midnight* 1 in the morning is 1 A.M.* Oh 6 hundred is 6 o'clock in the morning, o'clock*** 18 hundred is 6 o'clock in the evening*
►Male+pauses, or ►without pauses
After the lesson on different ways to
say the hours, these are different ways to say the minutes.
Click to hear the lesson on minutes, with pauses for you to repeat.
Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later.
24 hours are 1 day* 60 minutes are 1 hour, minutes***,
60 minutes are 1 hour* 6 P.M. and 1 minute is 6:01 P.M.* 6 A.M. and 1 minute is 6:01 A.M.* 6:01 A.M. is 1 minute past 6 in the
morning, past*** 6 A.M. and 50 minutes is 6:50 A.M.* 6:50 A.M. is 10 minutes before 7 A.M., before*** 6:50 A.M. is 10 of 7 in the morning, 10 of*** 6:45 A.M. is a quarter of 7 in the
morning, quarter of*** 6:15 A.M. is a quarter past 6 in the
morning* 12:15 P.M. is a quarter past noon* 12:20 P.M. is 20 past noon 3:20 P.M. is 20 past 3 in the afternoon* 11:40 P.M. is 20 minutes before midnight 12:30 A.M. is half past midnight* Lang1234.com |
►Male+pauses, or ►without pauses
Click to hear the lesson on time units, with pauses for you to repeat.
Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later.
/2013 is 1 year* year*** /2015 is 1 year* /12 months are 1 year* 4 weeks are 1 month* week*** /7 days are 1 week* days*** 24 hours are 1 day* hours*** /60 minutes are 1 hour* 60 seconds are 1 minute* seconds*** 1000 milliseconds are 1 second, milliseconds*** 1000 microseconds are 1 millisecond* microsecond*** 1000 nanoseconds are 1 microsecond* nanoseconds*** 1 billion nanoseconds are 1 second* 60 seconds are 1 minute* 60 minutes are 1 hour* 24 hours are 1 day* 7 days are 1 week* 2 weeks are 1 fortnight* fortnight*** 4 weeks are 1 month* 12 months are 1 year* 10 years are one decade* decade*** 100 years are one century* century*** 1000 years are one millennium* millennium*** In 1 day the sun goes around the earth,
sun*** goes around*** earth*** In 1 month the moon goes around the
earth, moon*** In 1 year the earth goes around the
sun* Lang1234.com |
Click to hear the lesson on Africa, with pauses for you to repeat. Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later. AFRICA* with pauses, or without pauses Algeria is east of Morocco* Algeria is west of Tunisia
and Libya* Algeria is north of Mauritania
and Mali and Niger* Algiers is the capital of Algeria* Egypt is east of Libya* Egypt is north of Sudan* Cairo is the capital of Egypt* Ethiopia is east of Sudan and South Sudan* Ethiopia is south of Eritrea* Ethiopia is west of Somalia
and Djibouti* Ethiopia is north of Kenya* Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia* Congo is south of South Sudan and the Central African
Republic* Congo is west of Uganda,
Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania* Congo is north of Zambia
and Angola* Congo is east of Gabon* Kinshasa is the capital of the Democratic Republic
of Congo* Brazzaville is the capital of Congo* South Africa is south of
Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe* South Africa is west of
Mozambique, Swaziland and Madagascar* South Africa surrounds
Lesotho* South Africa is north of
Antarctica* Pretoria, Bloemfontein, and Cape Town are the capitals of South
Africa* Nigeria is west of Chad and Cameroon* Nigeria is south of Niger* Nigeria is east of Benin* Abuja is the capital of Nigeria* Ghana is west of Togo* Ghana is east of Ivory
Coast* Ghana is south of Burkina
Faso* Accra is the capital of Ghana* Guinea is west of Ivory Coast* Guinea is north of Sierra
Leone and Liberia* Guinea is south of Guinea-Bissau,
Senegal, and Mali* Conakry is the capital of Guinea* Senegal is north, south, and east of The Gambia* Senegal is south of Mauritania* Dakar is the capital of Senegal* Click to hear the lesson on the Middle East, with pauses for you to repeat. Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later. MIDDLE EAST with pauses orwithout pauses Saudi Arabia is north of Yemen and Oman* Saudi Arabia is west of
the United Arab Emirates* Saudi Arabia is south of
Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait* Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia* Syria is south of Turkey* Syria is west of Iraq* Syria is east of Lebanon* Syria is north of Israel
and Jordan* Damascus is the capital of Syria* Iran is east of Iraq* Iran is west of Afghanistan* Tehran is the capital of Iran* |
Click to hear the lesson on Europe, with pauses for you to repeat. Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later. EUROPE* with pauses, or without pauses Britain is north of France* Britain is east of Ireland* Britain is southeast of
Iceland* Britain is west of Norway* Britain is west of Denmark* London is the capital of Britain* Spain is south of France* Spain is east of Portugal* Spain is west of Italy* Madrid is the capital of Spain* Germany is east of France* Germany is north of Switzerland* Germany is west of Poland* Germany is south of Denmark* Berlin is the capital of Germany* Greece is south of Bulgaria* Greece is west of Turkey* Greece is east of Italy* Athens is the capital of Greece* Click to hear the lesson on America, with pauses for you to repeat. Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later. AMERICA* with pauses, or without pauses Canada is north of the United States* Canada is north of Mexico
* Ottawa is the capital of Canada* The United States is south
of Canada* The United States is north
of Mexico * The United States is north
of Cuba* Washington is the capital of the United States* Mexico is south of the
United States* Mexico is west of
Cuba* Mexico City is the
capital of Mexico* Colombia is west of Venezuela* Colombia is north of Ecuador* Bogota is the capital of Colombia* Venezuela is east of Colombia* Venezuela is north of Brazil* Caracas is the capital of Venezuela* Brazil is south of Venezuela Brazil is east of Peru* Brazil is north of Argentina* Brasilia is the capital of Brazil* Argentina is south of Brazil* Argentina is east of Chile* Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina* Chile is west of Argentina* Chile is south of Peru* Chile is north of Antarctica* Santiago is the capital of Chile* Click to hear the lesson on Asia, with pauses for you to repeat. Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later. ASIA* with pauses, or without pauses China is north of India* China is west of Japan* China is south of Russia* Beijing is the capital of China* India is south of China* India is west of Bangladesh* India is east of Pakistan* India is north of Sri
Lanka* New Delhi is the capital of India* Thailand is southeast of Myanmar* Thailand is north of Malaysia* Thailand is west of Laos
and Cambodia* Bangkok is the capital of Thailand* Indonesia is south of Malaysia and the Philippines* Indonesia is east, west
and south of Singapore* Indonesia is west of Papua
New Guinea* Indonesia is north of Timor
Leste, Australia, and New Zealand* Djakarta is the capital of Indonesia* |
Click to Enlarge Learn English: When people spell
a name or email, they often need to say "A as in Afghanistan, B
as in Brazil." When someone does not speak English well, use examples which
are the same in many languages, like the lesson here. A list
shows why we chose these names. Z is spoken both Zee (US) and Zed (other countries).
Click to hear lesson on alphabet. MP3 Song by a man
(Zee) MP3 Song by a woman (Zee) Video for United States (Zee) Video for other countries (Zed) Or long press (or right-click)
on any link, to download link and practice later. |
A as in Afghanistan B as in Brazil C as in Calgary D as in Denmark E as in Ecuador F as in Fiji G as in Ghana H as in Hong Kong I as in Iran J as in Jamaica K as in Kenya L as in Liberia M as in Mexico N as in Nigeria O as in Ottawa P as in Pakistan Q as in Quebec R as in Romania S as in Sudan T as in Tanzania U as in Ukraine V as in Virginia W as in Washington X as in XYZ Y as in Yokohama Z as in Zurich Lang1234.com Names of these letters have a long Aa sound: A, H,
J, K. These have a long Ee sound:
B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V, Zee (in US). These have a short Ee sound:
F, L, M, N, S, X, Zed (outside US). These have other sounds: I, Y, O, Q, U, W, R |
Click to hear a lesson on symbols used in Emails
and web addresses. Or long press (or right-click)
on lesson, to download link and practice later. Emails ►Male+pauses, ►without pauses |
@ . .com .org mdc@un.org dai@rfi.fr b@Lang1234.com spa@cri.com.cn / - + _ |
Learn English: BIG COUNTRIES and ORDINAL NUMBERS BIG COUNTRIES Male+pauses, without pauses China has 1 billion 350 million people* India has 1 billion 250 million people* The United States has 320 million people* Indonesia has 250 million people* Brazil has 200 million people* Pakistan has 180 million people* Nigeria has 170 million people* Bangladesh has 150 million people* Russia has 140 million people* Japan has 130 million people* Mexico has 120 million people* The Philippines has 90 million people* Viet Nam has 90 million people* Ethiopia has 80 million people* Germany has 80 million people* Egypt has 80 million people* Lang1234.com |
ORDINAL NUMBERS Male+pauses, without pauses China is first, in millions of people* India is second* The United States is third* Indonesia is fourth* Brazil is fifth* Pakistan is sixth* Nigeria is seventh* Bangladesh is eighth* Russia is ninth* Japan is tenth* Mexico is eleventh* twelfth* thirteenth* fourteenth* twentieth* twenty-first* twenty-second* twenty-third* twenty-fourth* thirthieth* thirty-first* thirty-second* thirty-third* thirty-fourth* one hundredth* one hundred first* one hundred eleventh* one hundred thirty-first* one thousandth* one thousand first* two thousand eleventh* 55 millionth* Lang1234.com |
Male+pauses, or without pauses
Learn English: Minus, Zero, Or, Not,
About, Smaller, Bigger, Percent, Most, Majority, Divided, Multiplied
Lesson 2 has the simplest comparisons. This
lesson has more.
6 minus 2 is 4, minus***,
6 minus 2 is 4* 4 minus 1 is 3* 11 minus 1 is 10* 10 minus 10 is zero, zero***,
10 minus 10 is zero* 6 minus 6 is zero* zero and 2 are 2* 4 is 2 and 2 or 1 and 3, or***,
4 is 2 and 2 or 1 and 3* 3 is 1 and 2 or 2 and 1* 4 is 1 and 3 or 6 minus 2* 2 and 2 are not 5, not***,
2 and 2 are not 5* 1 and 3 are not 6* 9 is about 10, about***,
9 is about 10* 21 is about 20* 76 is about 80* 84 is about 80* Russia is near Turkey, near***,
Russia is near Turkey* Japan is near Korea* Indonesia is near Australia* 1 is smaller than 2, smaller
than***, 1 is smaller than 2* 2 is smaller than 6* Zero is smaller than 1* France is smaller than China* 10 is bigger than 3, bigger than***,
10 is bigger than 3* 2 is bigger than 1* 2 is not bigger than 10* Russia is bigger than Mexico* 1 is 1% of 100, percent***,
1 is 1% of 100* 50 is 50% of 100* 10 is 50% of 20* 10 is half of 20* 3 is half of 6* 50 is half of 100* Most is bigger than half, most*** A majority is bigger than half, a majority*** 51 is most of 100* 51 is a majority of 100* 30 is most of 40* 30 is a majority of 40* 12 divided by 6 is 2, divided by***,
12 divided by 6 is 2* 6 divided by 2 is 3* 2 multiplied by 4 is 8, multiplied
by***, 2 multiplied by 4 is 8* 5 multiplied by 10 is 50* Lang1234.com |
Learn English: Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Mountains, Male+pauses, or without
The Indian Ocean is between
Africa and Australia* The Atlantic Ocean is between
America and Africa* The Pacific Ocean is between
Asia and America* The Arctic Ocean is north of
America, Asia and Europe* The Antarctic Ocean is south
of America and Africa* Antarctica is in the Antarctic Ocean* The Mediterranean Sea is between
Algeria and France* The Caribbean Sea is between
Venezuela and Cuba* The Red Sea is between Egypt
and Saudi Arabia* The Baltic Sea is between Denmark
and Finland* The Black Sea is between Turkey
and Russia* The Rhine River is between France
and Germany* The Danube River is between
Romania and Bulgaria* The Mekong River is between
Thailand and Laos* The Nile is a river in Africa* The Amazon is a river in Brazil
and Peru* The Yangtze is a river in China* The Mississippi is a river in
the United States* The Andes Mountains are between
Chile and Argentina* The Himalayan Mountains are
between China and India* The Ural Mountains are between
Europe and Asia* The Alps Mountains are between
Germany and Italy* The Sahara Desert is between
Algeria and Sudan* The Gobi Desert is between China
and Mongolia* The Arabian Desert is in Saudi
Arabia* Britain is the United Kingdom* Burma is Myanmar* Holland is the Netherlands* Iran was Persia* Thailand was Siam* Sri Lanka was Ceylon* Thailand has 70 million people* Most people in Thailand are Buddhist* Most people in Saudi Arabia are Sunni
Moslems* Most people in Iran are Shia
Moslems* Most people in Israel are Jewish* Most people in India are Hindu* Most people in Mexico are Catholic
Christians* Most people in Sweden are Protestant
Christians* Most people in Greece are Orthodox
Christians* Most people in China are atheist* Oceans and rivers are blue █* Antarctica and the Himalayan Mountains
are white [ ]* The Sahara and Arabian deserts are
yellow █* Night is black █* Most of Brazil, Congo and Finland is
green █* At 6 o'clock the sun is red █* The spectrum is blue, green,
yellow, orange, red* Green is a mix of blue and yellow* Orange is a mix of yellow and red* |
Learn English:
1000 meters are
1 kilometer* 10 decimeters are
1 meter* 100 centimeters
are 1 meter* 1000 millimeters
are 1 meter* 1 million micrometers
are 1 meter* 1 micron is 1 micrometer* 1 million microns are 1
meter* 1 billion nanometers
are 1 meter* 10 billion angstroms
are 1 meter* 1 trillion picometers
are 1 meter* 1000 tonnes are 1 megatonne* 1000 kilograms are
1 tonne* 1 kilo is 1 kilogram* 1000 kilos are 1 tonne* 1000 grams are 1
kilo* 1000 milligrams
are 1 gram* 1 million micrograms
are 1 gram* 1 billion nanograms
are 1 gram* 1 trillion picograms
are 1 gram* 10 deciliters are
1 liter* 100 centiliters
are 1 liter* 1000 milliliters
are 1 liter* 1 cubic centimeter
is 1 milliliter* 1000 cubic centimeters
are 1 liter* 1 million microliters
are 1 liter 1 cubic millimeter is 1
microliter 1 billion watts
are 1 gigawatt* 1 million watts are 1 megawatt* 1000 watts are 1 kilowatt* 1000 milliwatts
are 1 watt* 1000 volts are 1
kilovolt* 1000 millivolts
are 1 volt* 100 hectares are
1 square kilometer* 10,000 square meters are
1 hectare* These recordings from Lang1234.com
are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
TIME UNITS (also in
the Time lesson)
►Male+pauses, or ►without pauses
/2013 is 1 year* year*** /2015 is 1 year* /12 months are 1 year* 4 weeks are 1 month* week*** /7 days are 1 week* days*** 24 hours are 1 day* hours*** /60 minutes are 1 hour* 60 seconds are 1 minute* seconds*** 1000 milliseconds are 1 second, milliseconds*** 1000 microseconds are 1 millisecond microsecond*** 1000 nanoseconds are 1 microsecond* nanoseconds*** 1 billion nanoseconds are 1 second* 60 seconds are 1 minute* 60 minutes are 1 hour* 24 hours are 1 day* 7 days are 1 week* 2 weeks are 1 fortnight* fortnight*** 4 weeks are 1 month* 12 months are 1 year* 10 years are one decade* decade*** 100 years are one century* century*** 1000 years are one millennium* millennium*** In 1 day the sun goes around the earth,
sun*** goes around*** earth*** In 1 month the moon goes around the
earth, moon*** In 1 year the earth goes around the
sun* Lang1234.com |
Photos used under Creative Commons from oldandsolo, Renaud Camus, upyernoz, Scott Ableman,
KellyB., midorisyu, Luz Adriana Villa A., World-wide-gifts.com, Bill Selak, LollyKnit, dirkvorderstrasse, GuySie, ruurmo, Dzhingarova, Golf Resort Achental, nan palmero, mueritz, Casa Velas Hotel, jenny downing, stevendepolo,